Universal leather balm
Your guaranteed silicone-free balm, made with natural products from high-tech cosmetics
Formerly known as the “Universal Leather Balm“, our product remains invariably 100% natural, with no added colourings or silicones, faithfully preserving its authentic and timeless recipe.
Our balm
How to use
Soak the sponge in the balm, then gently massage into the leather. No additional polishing is necessary
Perfect for
Ideally suited to a variety of uses, including shoes, sofas, clothing, riding gear, car and motorbike saddles, and much more.
Its magic
This product offers a multitude of benefits for your leather, including preserving it, providing essential nutrition, increasing its suppleness, protecting it from moisture, and beautifully restoring its original colour.
Guaranteed not to dry out
Products guaranteed 5 years against dryness, 150g per box, for approximately 800 pairs of shoes over 3 years. Quality and durability guaranteed
Enemies of leather
Beware of two enemies: baby's milk, which can cause internal cracks as it dries due to its high water content, and mixtures of beeswax and patafin wax, which, although they do not penetrate deeply, can cause surface cracking.
Clean your leather
Our stain remover, an innovative formula, magnifies leather and textiles by defying all stains. It restores natural beauty, leaving your items spotless and refined, a true touch of sophistication.